Titled Worms: The Revolution Collection, the package states it will include "All 3 DLC Packs", which rather contradicts Team17's plans for a fourth DLC pack that they claim to have been working on for the last few months. Mastertronic, who have a long and storied history of rereleasing Team17 titles, have posted an entry on their website for yet another retail release of an Xbox Live Arcade title - this time a collection featuring Worms Revolution. Posted in Worms by Squirminator2k at 10/04/13 3:47pm CEST

Type in the title of the game to the right.Worms Revolution Headed to Retail in Europe Oh, and by the way, I edited the game's Notepad to make my Team Weapon (called the "Hypernova Bomb", it's an Air Strike weapon) overpowered and very deadly. I completed the game 100% and unlocked every single thing (a long time ago, though). Still my favorite Worms game, and my favorite game of all time. I made a friend on Tunngle and play with him everyday, and I still love this game.

Good news, I created a Tunngle account a few weeks ago so I can play Worms 4: Mayhem online again, after GameSpy servers have been shut down. Uh, anyway, it's been a long time since I last came here. Ooga Booga, are you retarded?! The Easter Egg is HIDDEN! You're supposed to find it inside one of the buildings of Carpet Capers, not by collecting all jewels! How is this game boring? Go play Call of Duty or something, 10-year-old child. Posted by Boggy B at 01/07/14 4:07pm CEST There are still problems with the console versions of the game, though. Fortunately, it improves virtually every flaw apparent in its predecessor, offers more involving, developed missions, and is generally a better gameplay experience. With the disappointment that was Worms 3D still fresh in the minds of many gamers, Worms 4: Mayhem has a lot to live up to. With bold levels, an improved 3D camera and animation system, a stunning arsenal delivering comedy kabooms, the loveable, customisable, yet entirely destructible, worms are back in force with Worms 4: Mayhem." All the single-player maps are available to play in multiplayer mode, along with a further set of 20 multiplayer-specific maps.

Through the 25 missions, you’re also charged with objectives such as recovering items or smashing scenery. In single-player modes there’s even more beyond the day-to-day business of destroying worms. The multiplayer mayhem and single-player shenanigans are spread over five themed zones - Jurassic, Camelot, Arabian, Construction and Wild West – and, throughout the enlarged landscapes, the entirely destructible scenery works with even greater effect, along with the much-loved worms’ armoury - now with an even bigger choices of weapons and fun along the way. "Worms 4: Mayhem is as infectious and accessible as the classic Worms offerings!